Xueping Yang was born in Harbin, the frozen capital of northeastern China, on the 13th of June 1986. She moved to the coastal city of Dalian with her mother aged 14, leaving for London four years later in order to undertake a foundation course in Media Studies.
She completed a BA in Film and Theatre studies at the University of Reading in 2009 and graduated from the London Film School with an MA in Filmmaking in January 2013.
Her films are influenced by her family’s dramatic experience of China’s tumultuous recent history, as well as an abiding interest in the lives of women and those on the fringes of society.
Xueping Yang
LFS Filmography
The Wind And The Trees, DIRECTOR, HD, 80m, LFS, 2012
Like Spinning Plates, CAMERA OPERATOR, 35mm colour/B&W, 12m, LFS, 2011
Press your Lips Together, PRODUCTION DESIGNER, 35mm, 14m, LFS, 2011
Kiss, PRODUCER, Digital, 17m, LFS, 2010
The Torturing Game, DIRECTOR, 16mm colour, LFS, 2010
Cold Sweat, PRODUCER, 16mm B&W, LFS, 2010