Luo Yue


As a freelancer film director and writer, Luo Yue started his filmmaking career in Beijing, China. He used to be a screenplay writer and has lots of writing experience for fiction film, TV drama and animation. He wants to be a film director but he is also a collaborative and passionate filmmaker.

Luo Yue

MA Filmmaking
Course number:
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LFS Filmography

A Red Coat, WRITER/DIRECTOR, HD, 40m, LFS, 2011
Henry Potter, WRITER/DIRECTOR, 35mm, 10m, LFS, 2010
The Castle, DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY, 35mm, B&W, 14m, LFS, 2009
Art Bipolar, PRODUCER, 16mm, 10m, LFS, 2009
Vibration, WRITER/DIRECTOR/EDITOR, 16mm, 3m, LFS, 2009
v2.0, DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY, 16mm, 3m, LFS, 2009
Coffee Table Revolutionaries, CAMERA OPERATOR, 16mm, 3m, LFS, 2009
And They Were All Yellow, SOUND RECORDIST, 16mm, 3m, LFS, 2009
Trauma, EDITOR, 16mm, B&W, 3m, LFS, 2008
The Bell (animation), DIRECTOR, 2008