Michael Synackova


Michaela is a very sociable creature. She has spent a lot of time among filmmakers, because film is what fascinates her in the world of art and culture the most. Practical and pragmatic, it is these qualities that have found Michaela well on her way to becoming a producer. Successfully connecting perfectly fitting people into a bigger live organism, which can create a piece of art, is for her the most exhilarating feeling right after an orgasm. She believes finishing a film is not the end, but the beginning of its journey and she is working hard to master it.

Michael Synackova

MA Curating
Course number:
Graduation year:

LFS Filmography

Vitrine, CURATOR, White Night, 2011
Ponurá nedûle (The Gloomy Sunday), PRODUCER, RED, 27m, 2010
Stavby a jejich Pleskot (Constructions and Their Pleskot), PRODUCER, HDV, 11m, 2010
Fesitval of Young Art, PRODUCER, Czech Penguin, 2010
International Student Film Festival in Pisek 2010, PRODUCER, 35mm, 30s, 2009
Ctrl Emotion, PRODUCER, HDV, 25m, 2009
FastFest 2010 (Audience Award; Media Partner Award), Hrnec smíchu 2010 (Best Student Film Award)
Nûmá etuda (Scilente Etude), PRODUCER, MiniDV, 11m, 2008
Grizzly, PRODUCER, Fiction, MiniDV, 17m, 2008
Cleptofilik (Kleptophile), PRODUCER, MiniDV, 8m, 2008
Derby, PRODUCER, MiniDV, 8m, 2007